DCP is a multifunction device for measuring electrical quantities on DC lines.
The voltage measurement is done directly by the power line of the DCP.
The current measurement is performed by Hall effect transducer that provides an analog signal precise, repeatable and fast. Transducer allows an immediate installation, without supply interruption, because it is has to be fixed with a plastic clamp, at cable conductor or at the copper bar. Once fixed on the conductor, the Hall transducer must be calibrated with the measured current value.
DCP can be optionally equipped for the acquisition of up to 2 temperature measurements from environmental probes PT1000. The temperature measurements are carried out every second.
DCP communicates with Modbus RS485 network; all the communication parameters (address, baud rate, stop bits, parity bits) can be programmed.
Main measures
- DC voltage in range: 15 ÷ 60 Vdc
- DC current in range: 0 ÷ 1000 A
- Environmental temperatures (Option)
DC measures
- Power
- Total energy from power-on
- Partial energy (from last reset command)
- Min, average and max values of:
– voltage
– current
– power
in the integration period programmed
- Voltage and current sampling time: 0,1 ÷ 60 sec.
- Power calculating interval: 0,1 ÷ 60 sec.
- V, A, P average values calculating integration period: 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 , 60 minutes
- Hall transducer offset and gain
User Interface
- 4 functional status leds
- RS485 Network, half duplex
- Network protocol: Modbus RTU
For further information, please download our technical data sheet (DOWNLOAD AREA, left sidebar)
Power supply
- Voltage: 15 ÷ 60 Vdc
- Note: reverse polarity protection
- Consumption: < 2 W
- Analog conversion: 12 bit
Voltage measure (from supply terminal)
- Measure range: 10 ÷ 60 Vdc
- Precision: < ± 20 mV
- Measure error: < ± 100 mV
Current measure
- Transducer: HALL effect
- Measure range: 0 ÷ 1000 A
- Measure error: 1% f.s.
HALL effect current transducer
- Sensitivity: S = 300 S/T in the range of linear response
- Magnitude: Sensitivity Vs Temperature ΔS/SΔT = ±0,02%/ºC
- Linearity range: BL = ± 5 mT
- Non linearity: NL = 0,1%
- Noise spectral density magnetic input: ΔBnoise = 125 nT/√Hz (f=10Hz ÷ 10kHz)
- Note: outside the range of linearity of the sensor, it saturates but it is not damaged
- HALL sensor size: 30 x 25 mm
- HALL sensor cable length: 2 mts
Temperature measure (optional)
- Channels: 2
- Transducer: PT1000 – 2 wires
- Measure range: -50°C ÷ 100°C
- Precision: < ± 0.1°C
- Measure error (excluding PT1000 error): < ± 0.5°C
Field connection
- Pluggable terminal blocks
- Size: 145 x 90 x 30 mm
- Enclosure: ABS
- IP grade: IP54 (IP20 terminal blocks)
- Weight: 0,2 Kg
- Mounting: wall, with screws
- Emissions: EN61000-6-3
- Immunity: EN61000-6-2
Environmental conditions
- Operating temperature: -10 ÷ +60 °C
- Storage temperature: -25 ÷ +70 °C
- Humidity: 90% non-condensing
Software tool included
- Free software tool (Windows o.s.) for parameters programming
- DCP product code: 104 S4 12
- DCP with temperatures product code: 104 S4 13
For further information, please download our technical data sheet (DOWNLOAD AREA, left sidebar)
Please download our technical data sheet.
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