September 2017

25 September 2017

The Power Quality analyzer mod. Wally A+ certified according to Global Standard ENEL GSTQ001 e GSTQ002

TeamWare has got by ENEL – Global Infrastructure and Networks Network Technology – the approval to Global Standard GSTQ001 and GSTQ002 for its Power Quality analyzer model Wally A+. The Global Standard GSTQ001 defines the characteristics of the fixed installed […]
7 September 2017

TeamWare is sponsor of IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2017

TeamWare is pleased to announce its sponsorship to IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2017 in Turin, on 26-29 Sept, 2017. ISGT 2017 Europe Torino will be a platform for the participants from the academia, electric utilities and industry to discuss the […]